Stewarding at The Loft Gallery: 2-5pm Tuesday 9 August 2016
Tomorrow, Tuesday 9 August, I’ll be stewarding at the Loft Gallery from 2pm until 5pm.
If you expect to be in Salcombe then, please drop by and say hello!
Where is the Loft Gallery?
The Loft Gallery is situated behind the Fortescue Inn, and above a popular shoe shop, on a delightful footpath called Victoria Quay.
What is the Loft Gallery?
The Loft Gallery is the home of Salcombe Art Club.
Every year since 1960, the Summer Exhibition opens at Easter and continues until the end of September. In the winter months, the Loft Gallery reverts to being a working studio with a full programme of workshops and classes for its members.
Who can join Salcombe Art Club?
Salcombe Art Club comprises a mix of artists: some professional artists such as those who teach our classes but also many amateurs and some very new to drawing/painting. Everyone is welcome!
Step 1 is to enrol as a Lay Member. That’s the first rung of the ladder! Then Salcombe Art club has three categories of membership.
- Lay members (for a subscription of £12 per annum) may take part in workshops, courses and social activities and generally assist in supporting the club. Lay members may not exhibit, nor vote at the AGM.
- Associate members (for a subscription of £17 per annum) may take part in most club activities including exhibiting in the Little Studio section (but not the main gallery) of the Annual Summer Exhibition.
- Full members (for a subscription of £27 per annum) may take part in all club activities and exhibit their works in the Annual Summer Exhibition.
Who exhibits at the Loft Gallery?
Essentially, exhibiting is limited to the associate and full members of Salcombe Art Club. Full members are invited to display up to five of their works in the Summer Exhibition.
Full – and associate – members may also book a week or more in the Little Studio.
In the Little Studio also, our teachers exhibit material of works produced by the various class groups; this inspires other club members to enrol for classes during the winter months.
It’ll be the turn of Michael Hill’s class on 21 August; I’ll post news on that exhibition next week.
Featured image: Salcombe Dawn II
The original of Salcombe Dawn II is on display at the Loft Studio.
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