10 July 2017
Art, Exhibition
Exhibition time: Ian Carr’s Oil Class exhibition: now until Saturday 22 July
Ian Carr’s Oil Class Exhibition is on now, until Saturday 22 July, in the Little Studio at the Loft Gallery, Salcombe.
I have three paintings on display, as well as those already hanging in the main exhibition.
On the right hand panel, at the top, are Hope Cove and Scoble Point Moorings. Bottom right is Splosh of Frogmore – and this is the featured image above too.
Where is the Loft Gallery?
The Loft Gallery is situated behind the Fortescue Inn, and above a popular shoe shop, on a delightful footpath called Victoria Quay, which overlooks one of the best views in the UK including the mooring berth of the RNLI lifeboat Baltic Exchange III.
When will I be there to greet you?
I will be stewarding at the Loft Gallery from 11am until 5pm on Wedneday 12 July. I hope you see you there!
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